Abstract preparation and submission instructions:
- Authors are invited to prepare an abstract of a maximum of 4 pages in length
- The body of the text should be single spaced, in 10 point, Times New Roman font (or 11 point LaTeX default font). Use only single-column format.
- The abstract should include the paper title, author(s) name, affiliation, address and email centered at the top of the first page. Please underline the name of the presenting author.
- Note: proceedings may be printed in black and white, so authors should ensure that all artwork is legible when printed in black and white.
- Abstracts should be submitted in PDF or DOC format, and sent by email to: michel.arrigoni@ensta-bretagne.fr or gsebs2018@ensta-bretagne.fr with the subject heading GSEBS submission by the deadline given above. Note: The file must not exceed 4Mb in size.
- The dead line for abstract submission is 15th of october 2018.
- Acceptance will be given on the 20th of october 2018 for oral or poster presentation.
- The best poster will receive a special award.
- A selection of best abstracts and presentations will be proposed for 8 pages publication in appropriate SCOPUS journals (Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety, …)